
Printing Gminny Social Assistance Centre

95-100 Zgierz, ul. Łęczycka 4

tel. 042 716 03 27
tel. 042 716 25 15 w. 222 i 223 - świadczenia rodzinne i zaliczka alimentacyjna
tel. 042 716 25 15 w. 238 - pomoc społeczna


Kierownik: Małgorzata Bibel

Gminny Social Assistance Centre, based in Zgierz, was appointed Resolution No. VI/34/90 of the Municipal Council of Zgierz to perform the tasks of social assistance.

About assistance from GOPS may apply for a person and the family in financial difficulties, which are not able to overcome using its own resources, opportunities and privileges. The right to benefits from social assistance to individuals and families meeting the criteria of the law on social assistance while the occurrence of at least one of the considerations set out in article 3 points. Law 2-11.