
Archiwalna Miasto Zgierz - Monuments and plaques

Akcja Zima 2016

Budżet Obywatelski








Monuments and plaques

There is also zgierskich pomnikach. Society of Friends Zgierz współfinansowało construction of memorials and memorial plates. Society, together with the management of the City sponsored an array of bronze by Anthony Biłasa.

TPZ also sponsored tables placed on the building of the City Zgierz, which were destroyed by the Germans during World War II.

One, devoted to the Poles poległym in the period 1914 - 1920 in the struggle for freedom and independence współfinasowały TPZ and TG "Falcon", the second - founded by 31 Rifle Regiment Kaniowskich for residents of the district of Lodz on the fact of receipt by pułk flag, odtworzyło TPZ. TPZ helped in the reconstruction of Valerian Łukasińskiego Monument, which was destroyed by the Germans as soon as they wkroczeniu to Zgierz. Uratowano only plate, which kept the son of funders. After the war he gave it to the museum in Radogoszcz. TPZ efforts came to the plate Zgierz. Quite socially enforced obelisk, which the author is Jerzy Wieczorek.

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Następna strona: Monument Stu Straconych

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