
Archiwalna Miasto Zgierz - About town

Akcja Zima 2016

Budżet Obywatelski








About town

NIP 732-20-37-248
REGON 472057721
territorial code: 1020031

population: 55.717 residents
area: 42.3 km 2

Zgierz as the town was first recorded in the document of 1231, known from the original, as Sguyr. The name of the city has evolved in the history of Zcgey, Signe, Sger, Zger, Szgers, Szgherz, Szger, Sgers, Sgerz, Zgyerz, Sgyerz, Szgierz, Zgyerzs, Zgyer, Shegrz, Szegrze, Zegrz until after the contemporary - Zgierz.

name itself means Zgierz zgorzałe place, the place of smoking every ofiarnych, spent place after the forest.

Zgierz, just like the other City underwent further stages of development. Its rich past to learn from history or a calendar.

Currently, Zgierz is one of the faster-growing hubs in the region of Lodz. Its central location in the immediate vicinity of large cities and major intersections, national and international routes

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