
Archiwalna Miasto Zgierz - Publications devoted to the city

Akcja Zima 2016

Budżet Obywatelski








Publications devoted to the city

In this section we present you with publications devoted to our city. You'll find among others. items issued by the Municipality of Zgierz or on his behalf. Bogatą offer presented Miejsko-Powiatowa Public Library. B. Prusa in Zgierz.

Among the proposed titles you'll find items popular scientific and professional development of history. The result of the search for publications Zgierz przerósł our expectations and we are pleasantly surprised to quantity and variety of items. We are only fragments, which are to encourage interested readers to delve after the title. We want to rozpropagować knowledge of our city, not only among students but also adults zgierzan, family love the city. Reading certainly interested and expand knowledge, sometimes surprises unknown facts and ciekawostkami.

If you know the other titles are not included here, please contact: Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications Authority Zgierz Town Square of John Paul II 16, tel. 42 714 31 59 e-mail:

Poprzednia strona: Geographic Location
Następna strona: Publikacje Urzędu Miasta Zgierza

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