
Archiwalna Miasto Zgierz - Curiosity about the city

Akcja Zima 2016

Budżet Obywatelski








Curiosity about the city

In this place you can find tidbits about our city and people living in it.

This is the information that is not in encyclopedias. Most of them exist in the memory of people, most ożywają during family celebrations. In many homes in favour of interesting stories wplecione family in the history of our city. The transmitted from generation to generation, unfortunately umykają our memory. It might be worthwhile to share them, because it will force others to know Zgierz. Who knows whether or not the ciekawszej hand?

Arrive at such unusual information is extremely difficult and requires huge effort. So hope for your help and expertise.

Poprzednia strona: Zgierz in literature and music
Następna strona: Metrics Zgierz

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